It reaches all parts of our life. It controls governments and wages war. It controls parliaments and congresses. It’s embedded in the big pharmaceutical companies. It owns the major media and controls Hollywood. It controls our schools and outlaws anything Christian. At its epicenter of power, it deals in the most lucrative trade of money, opium, cocaine and child exploitation. Its benefactors are powerful royalty and world leaders. These are facts you must know.

Satanic control and influence is embedded into our Churches as well.

It is critically important you seek out web sites such as Tribulation-Now so you can understand who is poisoning your mind. Seek guidance from the Holy Spirit and make yourself “Wise as Serpents” while remaining “gentle as doves”. The Lord wants you to be aware of who your enemy is. Think about it.

If we Christians can not be misled by the trickery of the Devil then why does the Bible warn us about the threat over and over again? The Bible tells we are in a spiritual war. How are you going to protect yourself from the subtle currents of Satanic influence if you can not identify it? How are “we” going to channel the power of our prayer collectively as the “purified Church” if we cannot “name names”? How can we save one of our brothers or sisters from the clutches of their captivity if we do not know they are listening to the wrong leaders? 

Do you believe God wants his spiritual army to be silent and pray while focusing on endless streams of on-line “prophecies” telling of the “Greatness of God”? I say, even at the risk of being seen as “on-the-fringe” we MUST start pointing this EVIL out to the other Christians so they can see where their prayers need to be focused. So they can avoid being unwittingly misled.

God needs us all “on the same page” so we can focus our prayer power on the same issues. Being at war means you FIGHT THE ENEMY actively. During the Tribulation, I do not believe it will be sufficient to pray for the binding of Evil from this world. We need serious prayer power and that is accomplished through faith and knowledge.

Satan has infiltrated our Churches. I could write a small book on the number of “christian” organizations that are controlled by Lucifer. The web of power, influence and infiltration affecting our churches comes from government, church leadership, and especially “Foundations” that offer money and assistance. Foundations such as the John Birch Society. Organizations such as the World Council of Churches.

Make no mistake. On the surface they appear legitimate and good. They are not.