The Cult of Success Ps 1:3

I’m sure God has promised me many tings, but I am also a aware that God’s right to be God is greater than any claim on those blessings.

When I read, ‘ with long life I will satisfy him, and show him My Salvation’, I am comforted ( Ps. 91:1 – 6). But when I read of those who were ‘ stoned…swan assured…tempted ..afflicted, tormented’ ( Heb 11:37), I am sure of one ting that God is supreme above my rights and claims of His promise.

The Psalmist reminds me that if I delight in the Lord and meditate on His Word, whatsoever I do shall prosper ( Ps.1 :3). And…

… The cult of success takes a promise like this and makes it a absolute and the rule. Then I have problem, because believers in God are not always the richest, healthiest, most favored people on earth, infact they are the opposite.

Our comfort does not lie in things, even spiritual things, I cannot rejoice in a miraculous answer to my prayer today and things I will always get the same kind of answer. My comforts lies on the acceptance of God’s right to do as He wills with me, even though what He wills many seems contradict to His promises.

I am encouraged to trust Him, not just because He promised me things but because He is good, Holy, merciful, able and living and does what is right and pleased in His sight.