The Eternal Advanture I Corinthians 15:57

Wholeness is God-centeredness,

The ‘ One thing needful’ ( Luke 10:42)
The ‘ One thing I desire‘ (Ps 27: 4)
The ‘ One thing I do’ ( Philippians 3:13)

We are not to pray for peace, power, fruit or success, for they are by product of a relationship, not its conditions. They are God’s responsibility, not ours.

Neither should we seek, promotion, honors, recognition, or acclaim, for they also are by products and therefore outside of my sphere, nor should we strive ambitiously for needs for God’s purpose is process and not destiny.

We should never hope to arrive but rather to continue with god in an eternal adventure, the result of which is a continual knowing of Him who is the ‘end’ God seeks for me.

It’s an eternal adventure of life in and with Christ.